How Much Does It Cost To File Bankruptcy?

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cost to file for bankruptsyThe cost to file bankruptcy.  This is information that everyone needs to know when considering filing for bankruptcy protection. Whenever you are going to file a legal action there will be fees to pay.  In order to get the bankruptcy process moving forward you should be aware of the costs associated with your case.

What chapter of the bankruptcy code you file under determines what the court filing fees will be.  As of December 1, 2014 the filing fees are:

  • Chapter 7 – $335.00
  • Chapter 11 – $1,717.00
  • Chapter 12 – $275.00
  • Chapter 13 – $310.00

Other fees that can come up in a bankruptcy can be found HERE.

The debtor(s) also has to take a pre-filing credit counseling course and a post-filing debtor education course, which represents an additional cost to file bankruptcy.  These courses can be completed online, in person, or over the telephone.  Depending on what company you use depends on what the cost will be to complete the course.  An experienced bankruptcy attorney should be able to provide you with multiple options of U.S. Trustee approved credit counselors for you to choose from.  The courses can range in price from $9.95 up to $50.00 per class.

An additional cost to file bankruptcy in a chapter 13 case is for a real estate appraisal.  In the Southern District of Ohio every chapter 13 debtor that wants to retain their home must get, and file with the Court, an appraisal of their real estate.  This cost is typically around $150.00.

The final cost to file bankruptcy is the attorneys fees.  Before hiring a bankruptcy attorney you want to make sure you know the total fee you are going to be charged.  This information should be laid out in plain English in the contract for legal services that your attorney provides to you.  Not every attorney charges the same amount and there is nothing wrong with talking to more than one attorney about your financial situation.  My advice is not to price shop different law firms but to meet with the actual attorney that will be handling your case.  I would recommend hiring the attorney that you feel comfortable with and not just the attorney charging the lowest price.